Archdiocese of Newark
171 Clifton Avenue
PO Box 9500
Newark, NJ 07104-0500
Phone: 973-497-4368
Fax: 973-497-4369
Rev. Emeka Okwuosa, S.D.V.
[email protected]
"Jesus said to them, 'Come after Me; I will make you fishers of men.' They immediately abandoned their nets and became His followers." - Mk 1:17,18
Are you discerning a vocation to the Priesthood, the Permanent Diaconate, or Religious Life?Congratulations on your prospective marriage!
You are engaged to be married and, desiring the blessing of God on your union, have approached the Church to witness and seal your vows to each other. The Church stands ready to assist you as you embark upon what is perhaps the most important decision and commitment of your life.
Step One: Contact the Parish Center
Couples contemplating marriage, please contact Father John Job | 201.891.4200 ext. 280 | one year before the desired date.
Step Two: Inital Meeting with a Priest
At the time of your first meeting, the pastoral minister will explain the marriage preparation process and provide information about the available marriage preparation programs you are required to attend. You have the option of selecting the program best suited to your needs. The pastoral minister will begin to fill out the necessary canonical forms and advise you as to what Church and civil documents are needed.
Step Three: Complete A Pre-Marital Inventory
A premarital inventory provides a personalized profile of your relationship. The individualized couple feedback covers topic areas important to marriage: life-style expectations, friends, and interests, personality match, personal issues, problem solving, communication, dual careers, religion and values, etc. It is advised that the inventory be taken prior to attending the marriage preparation sessions, and can be arranged through your Priest or Deacon.
Step Four: Register and Attend Pre-Marital Preparation Courses
A) Sacramental Preparation: God's Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage (mandatory) - "God's Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage" is designed to help engaged couples understand and embrace a Catholic vision of married love. The God's Plan session provides a full catechesis of the Church's teaching, in an uplifting manner that resonates within the human heart. Based on Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body", this session is intended to enhance a key component of marriage preparation: catechesis in the theology of marriage and the gift of human sexuality.
B) Life Skills Preparation: Marriage Preparation Session (Pre-Cana) - The Marriage Preparation Session (i.e. Pre-Cana) offer practical insights and assistance in building a successful marriage. Topics covered include: Communication, Conflict Resolution, Family of Origin, Finances and more. The registration fee is $100 per couple. Certificate of Completion is issued.
Registration for both courses may be found on the Archdiocese of Newark's website.
Step Five: Continue Meeting with a Priest:
Continue formation meetings with Pastoral Minister to present necessary forms (Certificates of Completion, Sacramental forms, etc.), review Marriage Inventory results, and choose liturgical options.
Couples' Checklist for Marriage in the Archdiocese of Newark
All information regarding Marriage Preparation was provided by the Archdiocese of Newark's guidelines.